Fall 2022 (6 weeks)
Georgia Tech Sophomore Studio - instructed by Stephen Chininis
Design Objective: Design a toy that teaches 5 year olds to recognize, repeat, and create color patterns. The toy should support directed and undirected play and emphasize creativity.
Design: Bright Drops is a fun and educational toy for 5 year olds to learn sequencing and pattern recognition while playing with lights to create art. The board comes with a book of patterns given in colors and numbers allowing children to unlock designs and to also create their own.

Final Concept

Electronic Testing

Bright Drops consists of a 9x9 board of LEDs which when pressed, cycles through WROYGBV, allowing users to create art with lights. The toy is made using Adafruit NeoTrellis boards is coded in Arduino IDE.

Bright Drops is accompanied by a book which consists of patterns and blank grids allowing users to follow existing patterns and document the ones they've made. The book also has instructions correlating each number to a color.