Fall 2023 (11 weeks)
Completed at the National University of Singapore - Instructed by Sixiu Tan
Design Objective: Design a leisurely space for students that embodies the principles of organic design to create a connection between users and their environment.

Site: 3 trees at the edge of NUS Town Green
- naturally shaded
- near student residences, canteens, and a bus stop
Opportunities: A high foot traffic area that is not currently utilized
- Lack of campus rest spaces
Design: Based on the layout of the trees and my observations of the site, I decided to design a hammock and settled on one large hexagonal hammock suspended from all three trees.
The hexagonal shape comes from wanting the space to encourage social interaction and bring students together rather than promoting seclusion.
Afloat aims to create a multi purpose leisure space for students to take a break from the hectic university lifestyle to socialize and enjoy nature.

The hammock features a fold away table design which allows users to flip down the table whenever they need a surface to place items such as books, laptops, and food and drinks so that they are of easy access while not being disruptive of the hammock experience.





Afloat hangs 32 inches above the ground. this height allows the user to easily sit on the edge of the hammock and swing their legs over one edge of the frame to easily enter and exit the hammock.